
Parent Involvement Is Crucial At The Middle School Level

Moving from elementary to middle school is an adjustment for students and parents alike.  There are more teachers to get to know, a more complicated schedule to understand, and kids can be embarrassed about parent involvement.

But these changes are no reason for parents to stop working with the school.  It's just as important as ever for parents to stay involved.

Here are ways to do this:

  • Meet your child's teachers.  Introduce yourself as soon as possible instead of waiting until a problem starts.
  • Get to know guidance counselors.  They usually know all the kids in the school, and they can keep you up-to-date on your child's performance.
  • Read about the school.  At the beginning of the year, schools often give parents information about rules and curriculum.  If you didn't receive these materials, ask for them.
  • Keep track of your child' progress in school.  If his grades slip, contact teachers for help.
  • Attend parent-teacher conferences and request meetings with teachers at other times, if you feel the need.
  • Introduce yourself to other parents.  Talk with them about problems you share.
  • Respond to notes and other correspondence from the school.  If you have trouble with English, ask the school for help with translation, or ask a bilingual friend or relative to assist you.
  • Review your child's school record yearly.  Schools will share this information with you.


Source:  "Parent Involvement at the Middle School Level," America Online